MA and BA, University of Dar es Salaam
Mobility & Transport
Africa, Transport and the Millennium Development Goals: Achieving an Internationally Set Agenda. (ed.) 2009. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 201 pp. (with Margaret Greico, Muna Ndulo, Gina Porter and Talia McCray)
‘Roads to Poverty Reduction? Exploring Rural Roads’ Impact on Mobility in Africa and Asia’. 2008. Development Policy Review 26(4), 459-82 (with Annabel Bradbury and Trevor Bradbury)
‘Petrol Pumps and Economic Slumps: Rural-Urban Linkages in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Globalization Process’. 2003. Journal of Economic and Social Geography 94(3), 335-49 (with Tatenda Mbara)
‘Livelihoods, Daily Mobility and Poverty in Sub Saharan Africa’. 2003. Transport Review 23 (2), 177-96 (with Tatenda Mbara and David Maunder)
'Rural Household Transport in Africa: Reducing the Burden on Women?' 1993. World Development, 21(11), November 1993, 1715-28 (with John Howe)
'Reducing the Burden on African Women'. 1993. Appropriate Technology Journal, 14-17 (with John Howe)
'Roadmapping Development and Poverty Alleviation: Transport and the Millennium Development in Africa’, in Greico, M., D. Bryceson, T. McCray, M. Ndulo, and G. Porter (eds), Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa: The Role of Transport, IAD Cornell series, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 1-24.
‘Women and Labour-based Roadworks in Sub-Saharan Africa'. 1993. in Johanneson, B. (ed.) Labour-based Technology: A Review of Current Practice, International Labour Office, Geneva, CTP 133, October 1993, 140-153 (with J. Howe)
Framework for the Inclusion of Social Benefits in Transport Planning: Final Report. 2004. DFID/TRL Report PR/INT/276/04, Crowthorne, United Kingdom (with A.S.C. Davis, F. Ahmed and T. Bradbury). May 2004.
Sustainable Livelihoods, Mobility and Access Needs. 2003. TRL Report 544, United Kingdom, DFID/Transport Road Laboratory (with D.A.C. Maunder, T.C. Mbara, R. Kibombo, A.S.C. Davis and J.D. Howe).
Poverty and Urban Transport in East Africa: Review of Research and Dutch Donor Experience. 2000. Institute of Infrastructural, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Delft, Report submitted to the World Bank (with John Howe)
Lightening the Load: Women's Labour and Appropriate Rural Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1995. Afrika Studiecentrum Working Paper (with Michael McCall)
Women and Labour-based Road Works in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1993. Institute for Infrastructure, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering Working Paper IP-4, 16 pp. (with J. Howe)
Women and Labour-Based Road Works in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1993. Labour-Based Road Engineering for Developing Countries, Orientation Course for Engineers and Managers, ILO/International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands, March 1993, 5 pp.