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Urban & Spatial Studies

zanzibar town


Mining and Urbanisation in Africa: Population, Settlement and Welfare. (ed.) 2012. Special Issue of the Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 30(4), 190 pp (with Daniel Mackinnon)


African Urban Economies: Viability, Vitality or Vitiation (ed.) 2006. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 353 pp. (with Deborah Potts)



'Eureka and Beyond: Mining’s Impact on African Urbanisation’, 2012. (with D. MacKinnon), 513-27.

‘Unearthing Treasure and Trouble: Mining as an Impetus to Urbanisation in Tanzania’, 2012. (with J.B. Jønsson, C. Kinabo & M. Shand), 631-49.

    Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 30(4), Special Issue edited by Bryceson, D.F. and D. Mackinnon, Mining and Urbanisation in Africa:

    Population, Settlement and Welfare.


‘Birth of a Market Town in Tanzania: Towards Narrative Studies of Urban Africa’, 2011. Journal of Eastern African Studies 5(2), 274-293


‘Introduction’, 723-6.

‘African Urbanisation: Ignoring African Exceptionalism’, 731-3.

    in ‘World Bank Urban Geography: Critical Commentary on the World Development Report 2009. “Reshaping Economic Geography”’, 2009.

    Urban Studies 46(4), 723-38 (with K. Gough, J. Rigg and J. Agergaard)


‘The World Development Report 2009 “Reshapes Economic Geography”: Geographical Reflections’, 2009. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 1-9 (with J. Rigg, A. Bebbington, K. Gough, J. Agergaard, N. Fold)


‘Dar es Salaam Place Names: Mapping Urban Physical Growth and Moral Value Transformation’, 2006. Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies and Development 13(2), 29-70 (with Peter Schotsman)




‘Dar es Salaam as a “Harbour of Peace” in East Africa’: Tracing the Role of Creolized Urban Ethnicity in Nation-State Formation’, in Beall, J., B. Guha-Khasnobis and R. Kanbur (eds). 2010. Urbanization and Development: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 243-58.


‘Rural-Urban Transitions in Northwestern Tanzania’s Mining Frontier’ (with Rose Mwaipopo), 158-74.

‘Frontier Mining Settlements: Livelihood Promises and Predicaments’ (with Paul Yankson), 189-97. 

     in Agergaard, J., N. Fold and K. Gough (eds). 2010. Rural Urban Dynamics: Livelihoods, Mobility and Markets in African and Asian Frontiers.

     London: Routledge.


‘The Urban Melting Pot in East Africa: Ethnicity and Urban Growth in Kampala and Dar es Salaam’, forthcoming in Nugent, P. and F. Locatelli (eds) 2009. African Cities: Competing Claims on Urban Space, Leiden, Brill, 241-60.


‘Swahili Creolization: The Case of Dar es Salaam’, in Cohen, R. and P. Toninato (eds) 2009. The Companion to Creole Identities and Cultures, London, Routledge.


‘Dar es Salaam: Porto de Paz’. 2009. in Aliança de Civilizações: Um Caminho Possível? Janus 2009 – Portugal No Mundo - Yearbook of International Relations. Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Lisbon, 196.


‘Fragile Cities: Fundamentals of Urban Life in East and Southern Africa’, 2-38

‘African Urban Economies: Searching for the Sources of Sustenance’, 39-66

‘Vulnerability and Viability of East and Southern Africa’s Apex Cities’, 319-40

      in Bryceson, D.F. and D. Potts (eds). 2006. African Urban Economies: Viability, Vitality or Vitiation?, Palgrave Macmillan




Creole and Tribal Urban Designs: Dar es Salaam and Kampala as Ethnic Cities in Coalescing Nation States, 2008. Crises States Research Centre Working Paper, London School of Economics,  &


Growing out of Spatial Poverty? Growth, Sub-National Equity and Poverty Reduction Policies – A Five-Country Comparison. DFID/The Policy Practice, 45 pp. + appendices.  March 2006.


Sustainable Livelihoods, Mobility and Access Needs. 2003. TRL Report 544, United Kingdom, DFID/Transport Road Laboratory (with D.A.C. Maunder, T.C. Mbara, R. Kibombo, A.S.C. Davis and J.D. Howe)


Poverty and Urban Transport in East Africa: Review of Research and Dutch Donor Experience. 2000. Institute of Infrastructural, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Delft, Report submitted to the World Bank (with John Howe)


Urbanisation and Agrarian Development in Tanzania with Special Reference to Secondary Cities. 1984. International Institute for Environment and Development, London, February 1984, 144 pp.



African Underclass: Urbanisation, Crime and Colonial Order in Dar es Salaam, by Andrew Burton, Oxford, James Currey, 2005. in Urban Studies 43 (10), 1917-8, 2006.


Verandahs of Power: Colonialism and Space in Urban Africa, by Garth Andrew Myers, Syracuse University Press, 2003. in Housing Studies 20(1), 165-6, 2005.


The Urban Experience in Eastern Africa c. 1750-2000, edited by Andrew Burton, Special volume of Azania XXXVI-XXXVII, The British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi, 2000. in Africa 74(2), 287-89. 2004.


Urban Livelihoods: A People-Centred Approach to Reducing Poverty, edited by Carole Rakodi with Tony Lloyd-Jones,  London, Earthscan, 2002. in Journal of Development Studies 40(1), 181-83, 2003.

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