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Social Institutions, Family, Gender & Generational Dynamics

My research on this theme spans issues related to the family, transnational families, migration, the state, communities, creole societies, social networks, drinking patterns, work cultures, age and gender differentiation and women's employment patterns. 



Handbook of Transnational Families around the World 2023. (ed.) 2023. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 328 pp. (with J. Cienfuegos  D. Brandhorst) 


Transnational Families in Global Migration: Navigating Economic Development and Life Cycles across Blurred and Brittle Borders, Special Issue of Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45(16). 


Identity and Networks: Fashioning Gender and Ethnicity across Cultures (ed.) 2007. Oxford, Berghahn (with Judith Okely and Jonathan Webber)


The Transnational Family: New European Frontiers and Global Networks (ed.) 2002. Oxford, Berg Publishers (with Ulla Vuorela), 276 pp.


Alcohol in Africa: Mixing Business, Pleasure and Politics. (ed.) 2002. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 305 pp.


Women Wielding the Hoe: Lessons from Rural Africa for Feminist Theory and Development Practice, 1995. Oxford: Berg Publishers

zanzibar girls



‘The Transnational Family and Neo-liberal Globalization: Past, Present and Future’ 2022. Nordic Journal of Migration Research 12(2): 120–138. 



'Transnational Families Negotiating Migration and Care Life Cycles across Nation-State Borders' in Bryceson, D.F. (ed) 2019. Transnational Families in Global Migration: Navigating Economic Development and Life Cycles across Blurred and Brittle Borders, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45(16):3042-3064.


‘Gender and Generational Patterns of African Deagrarianization: Evolving Labor and Land Allocation in Smallholder Peasant Household Farming, 1980-2015’. 2019. World Development 113: 60-72.


‘For Richer, For Poorer: Marriage and Casualized Sex in East African Artisanal Gold Mining Settlements’, 2014. Development and Change 45(1), 79-104. (with J.B. Jønsson & H. Verbrugge)


‘Prostitution or Partnership? Wifestyles in Tanzanian Artisanal Gold-mining Settlements’, 2013. Journal of Modern African Studies 51(1), 33-56 (with J.B. Jønsson & H.Verbrugge).


‘Of Criminals and Clients: African Culture and Afro-Pessimism in a Globalized World’. 2000. Journal of Canadian African Studies 34 (2), 417-42


‘The Legal Status of Women and Poverty in Tanzania’. 1998. Africa 68(2). (with J. Lewis, G.T. Emeagwali, M.C. Snyder and M. Rwebangira)


‘Lightening the Load on Rural Women: How Appropriate is the Technology directed towards Africa’. 1997. Gender, Technology and Development 1(1), 23-45 (with M. McCall)


'Easing Women's Working Day in Sub-Saharan Africa'. 1994. Development Policy Review 12(1), 59-68


'Outside the Domestic Labor Debate: Towards a Theory of Modes of Human Reproduction’. 1984. Review of Radical Political Economics, no. 16(2/3), 137-166 (with U. Vuorela). DOI:10.1177/048661348401600207,




  ‘Coming into Being: Historical and Cultural Precedents embedded in Migration and Transnational Family Formation’, 19-23.

  'Communicating: Bridging Physical Distance to Share Information and Relational Support within Transnational Families’, 67-69.

  'Shaping Transnational Families: Care links, Conjugal ties, Childbearing and Class Differentiation’, 113-117.

  'Ageing: Generational Change, Reconfiguring Family Care for the Elderly and Repositioned Family Belonging’, 165-167.

  'Encountering the State: Migrant Border Crossing and Family Reunification’. 215-219.

  'Returning Home: Voluntary Return and Forced Deportation’. 267-269.

in Cienfuegos, J., R. Brandhorst & D. Bryceson (eds) 2023. Handbook of Transnational Families around the World. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.


‘Past, Present and Future Uncertainties acting on Transnational Familyhood’, 315-328.

in Cienfuegos, J., R. Brandhorst & D. Bryceson (eds) 2023. Handbook of Transnational Families around the World. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 315-328.


‘Domestic Work’, in Bellucci, S. and A. Eckert (eds). 2019. General Labour History of Africa: Workers,  Employers and Governments 20th-21st Centuries. Geneva, International Labour Office,301-333. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvd58sjm.18


‘Youth in Urbanizing Mining Settlements: Prospecting Tanzania’s Mineralized Future’ in Resnick, D. and J. Thurlow (eds) 2015. African Youth and the Persistence of Marginalization: Employment, Politics, and Prospects for Change, London, Routledge, 85-108.


‘Who Cares? Family and Lineage Coherence and Caring Capacity during Rural Malawi’s AIDS Crisis’, in Bertram, H. & N. Ehlert (eds) 2011. Family, Ties and Care, Berlin, Barbara Budrich Publisher, 503-20. English version.


‘The Proletarianization of Women in Tanzania’. in Turshen, M. (ed.) 2010. African Women: A Political Economy, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 53-69.


‘Swahili Creolization: The Case of Dar es Salaam’. in Cohen, R. & P. Toninato (eds) 2010. The Creolization Reader: Studies in Mixed Identities and Cultures, London, Routledge, 364-75. 


‘Transnational Families in the Twenty-first Century’, 3-30 (with U. Vuorela)

‘Europe’s Transnational Families and Migration: Past and Present, 31-59

‘Epilogue’, 265-67

         in Bryceson, D.F. & U. Vuorela (eds). 2002. The Transnational Family: New European Frontiers and Global Networks, Oxford, Berg Publishers 


‘Alcohol in Africa: Substance, Stimulus and Society’. 3-21

‘Changing Modalities of Alcohol Usage’, 22-52 

‘Pleasure and Pain: The Ambiguity of Alcohol in Africa’, 267-291

         in Bryceson, D.F. (ed.) 2002. Alcohol in Africa: Mixing business, Pleasure and Politics, Portsmouth, NH, Heinemann


‘African Women Hoe Cultivators: Speculative Origins and Current Enigmas’, 3-22

‘Wishful Thinking: Theory and Practice of Western Donor Efforts to Raise Women's Status in Rural       Africa’, 201-13 

‘Burying the Hoe?’, 257-71

       in Bryceson, D.F. (ed.). 1995. Women Wielding the Hoe: Lessons from Rural Africa for Feminist Theory and Development Practice, Oxford:

       Berg Publishers


‘Gender Relations in Tanzania: Cultural Consensus or Power Politics?’. 1995. in Creighton, C. & C.K. Omari, (eds.), Family, Household and Gender in Tanzania, Aldershot: Avebury, 37-69.


'Women and Labour-based Roadworks in Sub-Saharan Africa'. 1993. in Johannessen, B. (ed.) Labour-based Technology: A Review of Current Practice, Geneva: International Labour Office, CTP 133, October 1993, 140-153 (with J. Howe)


‘Household, Hoe and Nation: Development Policies of the Nyerere Era’. 1988. in Hodd, M. (ed.), Tanzania after Nyerere, London: Frances Pinter, 35-48


‘Women's Proletarianization and the Family Wage in Tanzania’. 1985. in Afshar, H. (ed.), Women, Work, and Ideology in the Third World, London: Tavistock Publications, 128-152


‘Women in Town: Emancipation and Proletarianization’. 1985. in Swantz, M-L., Women in Development: A Creative Role Denied? The Case of Tanzania, London: C. Hurst & Company, 122-152 (with Marja-Liisa Swantz)




Creole and Tribal Urban Designs: Dar es Salaam and Kampala as Ethnic Cities in Coalescing Nation States, Crises States, 2008. Research Centre Working Paper 35, London School of Economics,


Women and Labour-based Road Works in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1993. Institute for Infrastructure, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering Working Paper IP-4, 16 pp. (with J. Howe)


Women and Labour-Based Road Works in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1993. Labour-Based Road Engineering for Developing Countries, Orientation Course for Engineers and Managers, ILO/International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands, March 1993, 5 pp.


Women and Technology in Developing Countries: Technological Changes and Women's Capabilities and Bargaining Positions. 1985. United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), Santo Domingo, May 1985, 44 pp.


‘Social, Political and Economic Factors affecting Women's Material Conditions in Tanzania', 155-167, 

‘A Review of Maternity Protection Legislation in Tanzania’, 168-181

‘A Review of Statistical Information on Women in the Work Force and Seeking Employment in Dar es Salaam and their Families' Economic Welfare’, 182-212, 

in Mgaza, O. & H. Bantje (eds.). 1980. Infant Feeding in Dar es Salaam, BRALUP/Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre Joint Publication


Proceedings of the Workshop on Women's Studies and Development. 1979. BRALUP Research Paper No. 60, University of Dar es Salaam, 81 pp. (with N. Sachak)


Women Workers in Dar es Salaam: 1973/74 Survey of Female Minimum Wage Earners and Self-Employed, 1976. BRALUP Research Paper No. 43, University of Dar es Salaam, 35 pp. (with Marja-Liisa Swantz)



African Underclass: Urbanisation, Crime and Colonial Order in Dar es Salaam, by Andrew Burton, Oxford, James Currey, 2005. in Urban Studies 43 (10), 20-1, 2006.


Verandahs of Power: Colonialism and Space in Urban Africa, by Garth Andrew Myers, Syracuse University Press, 2003. in Housing Studies 20(1), 165-6, 2005.


Women striving for Self-Reliance: Diversity of Female-headed Households in Tanzania and the Livelihood Strategies They Employ, by Anke van Vuuren, Amsterdam, Drukkerij Haan-Bedum, 2003. in Tanzanian Affairs no. 79, 36-37, 2004.


TANU Women: Gender and Culture in the Making of Tanganyikan Nationalism, 1955-1965, by Susan Geiger, Portsmouth, NH, Heinemann, 1997. in Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, vol. 37, No. 1, 141-43, 1999.


African Women South of the Sahara by Margaret Jean Hay and Sharon Stichter (eds), second edition, New York, Longman, 1995. in Journal of Gender Studies, 1996.


Changing Family Life in East Africa: Women and Children at Risk, by Philip Leroy Kilbride and Janet Capriotti Kilbride,  London, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1990. in Development and Change, 23(1), 184-186, 1992.


Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development, edited by Irene Tinker, New York, Oxford University Press, 1990. in Labour, Capital and Society 24 (2), 263-66. 1991.


The Women's Question and the Modes of Human Reproduction: An Analysis of a Tanzanian Village, by Ulla Vuorela, Helsinki, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1987. in Journal of Peasant Studies 16(3), 457-459. 1989.


Women in Tanzania by Ophelia Mascarenhas and Marjorie Mbilinyi, Uppsala, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1983. in Review of African Political Economy, no. 27/28, 215, 1984.


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