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Discovery & Denial: Social Science Theory and Interdisciplinarity in African Studies’, 2012, African Affairs 111(443), April issue, pp.281-302.

'Too Many Assumptions: Researching Grain Markets in Tanzania'. 1994. Nordic Journal of African Studies 3 (1), 29-45 

'Outside the Domestic Labor Debate: Towards a Theory of Modes of Human Reproduction’. 1984. Review of Radical Political Economics, no. 16(2/3), 137-166 (with U. Vuorela). DOI:10.1177/048661348401600207,


‘Use Values, the Law of Value and the Analysis of Non-capitalist Production’. 1983. Capital and Class no. 20, 29-63. DOI:10.1177/030981688302000102,


‘Methods for Tracing Rapid Market Change: Urban Grain Supply Networks in Tanzania’, in Harriss-White, B. (ed.). 1999. Agricultural Markets from Theory to Practice: Field Experience in Developing Countries, London, Macmillan, 151-66


‘The Concept of Development in the Social Sciences’, 13-27 (with Kemal Mustafa) ‘Participatory Research: Redefining the Relationship between Theory and Practice’, 87-109 (with Kemal Mustafa)

in Kassam, Y. & K. Mustafa (eds.). 1982. Participatory Research, African Adult Education Association, New Delhi, Grafique


‘The Methodology of the Participatory Research Approach’. 1981. in Dubell, F., T. Erasmie and J. de Vries (eds.), Research for the People, Sweden, Linkoping University (with L. Manicom & Y. Kassum)



Growing out of Spatial Poverty? Growth, Sub-National Equity and Poverty Reduction Policies – A Five-Country Comparison. DFID/The Policy Practice, 45 pp. + appendices.  March 2006.

Social Pathways from the HIV/AIDS Deadlock of Disease, Denial and Desperation in Rural Malawi. CARE International, 100 pp. + appendices. May 2004. (with J. Fonseca, & J. Kadzandira)


Framework for the Inclusion of Social Benefits in Transport Planning: Final Report. 2004. DFID/TRL Report PR/INT/276/04, Crowthorne, United Kingdom.  May 2004. (with A.S.C. Davis, F. Ahmed & T. Bradbury).



Sustainable Livelihoods, Mobility and Access Needs. 2003. TRL Report 544, United Kingdom, DFID/Transport Road Laboratory (with D.A.C. Maunder, T.C. Mbara, R. Kibombo, A.S.C. Davis & J.D. Howe). /1_788_TRL544.pdf

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